G r e g M i x
& A s s o c i a t e s A r c h i t e c t s I nc A.I.A.
a Design Studio of
Southeast Studios Inc.
gregmix@comcast.net 770-806-8866
"I listen to my clients and help them achieve their vision. Each project is personal and I make sure that my clients are satisfied with their project."
Click on photos below too see project webpages on Houzz

Often architects can be divided by their opinion on the singular question - do you prefer modern or traditional architecture? Greg Mix, co-founder of Southeast Studios, has abundant experience with both and manages a feat that many architects can only try, but fail to do - he strikes a delicate balance of both contemporary and traditional in his designs.
Greg gained his appreciation for both Neo-Classical and Modern European and American architecture through his extensive travels of Europe and the United States. Using these influences, he masterfully incorporates them into his own designs of single family residences, mixed use, offices, shopping centers, and a multitude of other project types.
Within his single family residential design repertoire, Greg and Southeast Studios have built dozens of homes in Buckhead and Brookhaven, as well as in prestigious Atlanta subdivisions including River Club, Sweet Bottom Plantation, and Country Club of the South. The personalized services he provides to his clients result in beautiful homes that accommodate the needs, desires and lifestyles of his clients. In addition, his graceful designs and eye for detail create structures that are jewels for the entire community.
So although perhaps the most prominent/loud/well-known works of architecture - the ones whose metal facades soar on the cover of Architectural Record - are modern in style, it is often the designs which nod to the traditional that impact our world more on an everyday basis. They are the homes where we want to come home to at night, and where we want to spend our days.
Southeast Studios’ designs are carefully crafted, they are clean, and they are elegant. The projects below are just a handful of their works of modern art.